It came and went and was so much fun! Desmond is officially 1 year old!! He had a Sesame Street birthday party which was cute as could be! His parents and grandparents did an absolutely amazing job decorating and pulling off a memorable event. Happy Birthday, Des! You’re just so grown up! Time to slow down 😉
Like I said, the decorations for this party were awesome! Everywhere I looked was super colorful and connected with Sesame Street in some way. The cake was one of the coolest cakes I’ve ever seen!! It was made by Nichole Tranchemontagne, a friend of Desmond’s parents. All the characters were amazing but I’m personally a huge Oscar fan. SCRAM!
Everyone had a great time and the kids were all so kind and gentle interacting with one another. This is a close group of adult friends and their children are lucky that they will all grow up together!
Time for cake…again! I did a One-Year Cake Smash photo shoot of Desmond with some of his family a few weeks ago but this time he had lots of friends and family to celebrate with him! His bib didn’t stay on for long. We sang Happy Birthday and let the mess fun begin. Here’s the slideshow:
Desmond actually discovered the cake this time instead of just the frosting. Although, I think the frosting is clearly still his favorite, hence that GIANT smile when he’s smearing it all over his tray! All the kids went to town on the larger Sesame Street character cake. One of Desmond’s baby friends, Autumn wanted to get her hands dirty too and decided what better time than with birthday cake.
After cake was finished, it was time for Desmond to just hang out with his BFFs on “Desmond Street”
They make a pretty stinkin’ adorable bunch!!
Here they are with all their mamas in order of age:

Left-to-right: 16 mo. 12 mo. 9 mo. 9 mo. Center: 31 weeks pregnant
Next was family photo time!
What a fun day filled with laughter and smiles! I just love watching my friends grow their families and seeing their kids develop these wonderful, silly little personalities. It really is an honor for me every time I get to step into someone’s life and capture the memories they are making with their family and children! Happy Birthday, Desmond. Cheers to year 2! 😀